01921naa a2200157 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000110006024501480007126000090021952013930022865300110162165300180163265300100165077301030166010809682011-10-03 1997 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aEpagri aUtilization of chicken Gallus domesticus pituitary extracts as tench Tinca tinca L1758 spawning agent a technological option for small farmers. c1997 aHormonal agents like HCG and fish pituitary glands are commonly used to overpass natural constraints in fish spawning. However, both have drawbacks, i.e., uncertain technical results, availability and high prices. Hen (Gallus domesticus) pituitary glands are physiologically similar to fish glands and highly available in Santa Catarina. Herein we used hen pituitary glands extracts to induce tenca Tinca tinca to spawn. In total we had 63 fishes in our experiment, divided in 4 batches. HCG was used to induce fishes on batches 1 and 4 as a reference model to fish induction. Fishes of batch 2 received hen pituitary extract and those on batch 3 did not received any induction agent. Fish were kept on aluminum tanks and Dubish ponds. Data obtained suffered statistically analysis and hen pituitary extract was evaluated in terms of potentiality, compatibility and effectiveness on fish spawning induction. Our results showed that hen pituitary extract was more effective than HCG. Hen pituitary extract was also found to be compatible to teleost fish as a spawning induction agent. The HCG treatment was more efficient with natural spawning (batch 4), than fertilization executed by artificial insemination (batch 1). This paper presents the main results of author?s Ph.D. thesis. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España/1994. This study was funded by EPAGRI (SC), and CNPq (Brazil). aFrango aHipofização aTenca tIn: WAS 97, 1997, Seattle USA. [Proceedings...]. Amsterdan: World aquaculture society, 1997. p. 1.