00998naa a2200133 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000110006024500680007126000090013952005370014865300160068577301630070110788672012-08-01 2001 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aEpagri aDevelopment of internal browning in Fuji apples during storage. c2001 aFuji apples may develop the physiological disorders core flush or flesh browning during cold storage in air (RA) or controlled atmosphere (CA) (Argenta et al., 2000). Core flush is a symptom of senescence characterized by yellow-brown discoloration in the core (Wilkinson and Fidler, 1973). In Fujo apples, flesh browning (Photo 1) resembles senescent breakdown because the diffuse, light browm discoloration develops initially in the outer portion of the cortex tissue and is often associated with browning of the vascular tissues. aMaçã fuji tIn: WASHINGTON TREE FRUIT POSTHARVEST CONFERENCE, 17., 2001, Wenatchee. {Proceedings...]. Wenatchee: Washington State Horticultural Association, 2001. p. 1-4.