01498naa a2200289 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000200006024500670008026000090014752006730015665300250082965300230085465300200087765300120089765300310090965300200094070000190096070000180097970000180099770000200101570000200103570000210105570000190107670000130109577301000110810637922009-05-26 2008 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aCERDEIRA, A. L. aNitrate in groundwater in Ribeirão Preto city area in Brazil. c2008 aThe region of Ribeirão Preto City, southeastern Brazil, is an important sugar cane and recharge area for groundwater of the Guarany aquifer. This research was conducted to evaluate the potential contamination of groundwater with nitrates in the area and in surrounding municipal wells. No significant amount of nitrate was found in the recharge agricultural area. However, nitrate levels were detected at concentrations higher than the Maximum Concentration Level (MCL) of 6.0 mg/L in a downtown, urban, well located away from agriculture, which had no history of nitrogen application, reaching values higher than the maximum risk coefficient for infants (RC) of 1.0. aÁguas subterrâneas aAqüífero Guarani aCana-de-açucar aNitrato aPotencialde contaminação aRibeirão Preto1 aPARAIBA, L. C.1 aKATAGUIRI, K.1 aBOLONHEZI, D.1 aGOMES, M. A. F.1 aSPADOTTO, C. A.1 aFARJANI NETO, C.1 aMATALLO, M. B.1 aMOMM, H. tPesticidas: Revista de Ecotoxicologia e Meio Ambiente, Curitibagv. 18, p. 1-8, jan./dez. 2008.