01853naa a2200181 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000200006024501240008026000090020452011350021365300160134865300100136465300140137465300130138870000180140177302520141910370332005-06-28 2000 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aPIEDRAS, S.R.N. aAvaliacao de quatro dietas balanceadas no crescimento e sobrevivencia de larvas de peixe-rei (Odontesthes bonariensis). c2000 aStudies relating regional fish species are relatively advanced in the reproductive aspect; however, these species will only turn out viable for intensive cultivation and economically profitable, with the formulation of adequate rations, accordingly to their feeding characteristics, which allow satisfactory growth in relation to costs, time of cultivation and quality of the final product. The objective of this work is to determine a basic reference diet for the larvae stage of "peixe-rei". Therefore, 600 individuals where utilized, with 7 days of age, distributed in 4 treatments with 3 replications, with varying levels of protein. Results show that the observed survival of 14 to 16 % is too low when compared to the 80% that are mentioned for larvae fed zooplacton, implying difficulty of adaptation of larvae t´o artificial food. In relation to diet effects na increase in growth was observed in length, as well as in weight, between the levels of 45 and 53 % of crude protein and 3,500 and 3,600 Kcal/kg of digestible energy, which did not occur in the 56 % level of crude protein and 3,700 Kcal/kg of digestble energy. aCrescimento aLarva aPeixe rei aProteina1 aPOUEY, J.L.F. tIn: SIMPOSIO BRASILEIRO DE AQUICULTURA, 11. ENCONTRO SULBRASILEIRO DE AQUICULTURA, 4. ENCONTRO CATARINENSE DE AQUICULTURA, 5. FESTIVAL NACIONAL DA OSTRA E DA CULTURA ACORIANA, 2, 2000, Florianopolis, SC. Anais... Florianopolis: BMLP, 2000. CD-ROM.