01507naa a2200193 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000200006024501020008026000090018252007810019165300140097265300250098665300140101165300090102565300090103470000180104377302520106110370252005-06-28 2000 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aCAMARGO, S.G.O. aEfeito do peso e do sexo sobre as caracteristicas biometricas do peixe-rei(Odontesthes humensis). c2000 aThis study was carried out at the Meat and Carcass Laboratory of the Department of Animal Science, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, from April 1998 through July 1999. The objective was to evaluate the effect of sex and weight upon biometrics measurements of "peixe-rei". Fifty-two (52)-captured animals were used. Biometrics evaluation was carried out by determining the main 1 measurements: length, high and width; comparing them afterwards to the factor weight and sex. All biometrics measures showed significant differences as far as weight is concerned. An increased tendency being observed, suggesting the fusiform shape of the species. Sex did not influence in any of the measures used for the biometrics evaluation of the animals, being just slightly higher in females. aBiometria aOdontesthes humensis aPeixe rei aPeso aSexo1 aPOUEY, J.L.F. tIn: SIMPOSIO BRASILEIRO DE AQUICULTURA, 11. ENCONTRO SULBRASILEIRO DE AQUICULTURA, 4. ENCONTRO CATARINENSE DE AQUICULTURA, 5. FESTIVAL NACIONAL DA OSTRA E DA CULTURA ACORIANA, 2, 2000, Florianopolis, SC. Anais... Florianopolis: BMLP, 2000. CD-ROM.