02452naa a2200193 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000170006024501000007726000090017752016920018665300180187865300200189670000250191670000230194170000230196470000190198777302520200610367952005-06-16 2000 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aROMAGOSA, E. aProcessamento de tilapias do nilo,Oreochromis niloticus, de dois lotes em tres classes de peso. c2000 aThis research was carried out in the "Núcleo de Aqüicultura de Pariquera-Acu" - NUAP, owned by INSTITUTO DE PESCA, from October 13, 1999 to June 6, 2000, in association with the INSTITUTO DE PESCA and AQUACULTURA TUPI Ltda. and AGRIBRANDS DO BRASIL - RACÕES PURINA companies. The processing of two lots of Nile tilapias have been analysed ( Lot 1= fingrlings resulting from the breed between female Nile tilapias raised in the State of Parana and male Nile tilapias, native of Thailand (Chitralada lineage) (F1) and Lot 2= fingerlings coming from the breed between females and males from Lot 1) regarding fillet yield, dressed out with or without head, belly, clean skin, residue, bowels and head. The fish used in this work have been raised in two phases (nursery phase and growing phase) for 216 days, according to the recommendation of the "Programa Purina de Nutricão para Peixes". In both lots and in the three weight categories studied, 1) 200 to 300g; 2) 301 to 400g; 3) 401 to 500g, the following yield have been obtained: fillet yield (36,47; 35,91;36,25%); dressed out with or without head (71,80; 72,89; 72,79% and 86,31; 86,26; 85,88% respectively); belly (14,86; 10,81; 11,14%); clean skin (3,07; 3,00; 3,07%); residue (19,63; 19,05; 19,63%); bowels (16,63; 13,67; 14,11%) ; and head (14,51; 14,05; 13,19). There haven't been found meaningful differences between the lots for the: fillet yield, dressed out with or without head, residues bowels. There haven't been found meaningful differences between the lots for the:belly and clean skin. There have been found meaningful differences between the weight categories studied for the: belly, clean skin, residues and head. aProcessamento aTilapia do nilo1 aFRASCA-SCORVO,C.M.D.1 aAYROZA, L.M. da S.1 aSCORVO FILHO, J.D.1 aNOVATO, P.F.C. tIn: SIMPOSIO BRASILEIRO DE AQUICULTURA, 11. ENCONTRO SULBRASILEIRO DE AQUICULTURA, 4. ENCONTRO CATARINENSE DE AQUICULTURA, 5. FESTIVAL NACIONAL DA OSTRA E DA CULTURA ACORIANA, 2, 2000, Florianopolis, SC. Anais... Florianopolis: BMLP, 2000. CD-ROM.