01668naa a2200205 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000160006024501460007626000090022252008670023165300120109865300200111065300120113065300310114265300120117370000140118570000180119977302450121710366842005-06-14 2000 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aSOUZA, S.N. aAvaliacao da estrutura do pancreas de alevinosde Surubim, Pseudoplatystoma caruscans, e sua relacao com a capacidade para dirigir o alimento. c2000 aThe present study evaluates histological structure of the pancreas of surubim fry, Pseudoplatystoma coruscans, with the objective of evaluating its relationship with the capacity of the species in aiding in the digestion of the food in this phase of its life cycle. They were used the pancreas of the 50 copies with 6,94 0,18 cm of length-pattern, fixed in Bouin solution for 24 hours and processed by routine light microscope techniques. Inclusion was made in paraffin, cut in 4 µm thickness and colored by haematoxylin-eosina and Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) techniques. In the surubim due to histological structure of the exocrine pancreas (compact and diffuse portions), it can aid to promote food digestion, in this phase of the life cycle, because presents morphological structures capable for the production of enzymatic secretion and aqueous components. aAlevino aNutricao animal aPancrea aPseudoplatystoma caruscans aSurubim1 aMENIN, E.1 aFONSECA, C.C. tIn: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE AQUICULTURA, 11. ENCONTRO SULBRASILEIRO DE AQUICULTURA, 4. ENCONTRO CATARINENSE DE AQUICULTURA, 5. ENCONTRO NACIONAL DA OSTRA E DA CULTURA ACORIANA, 2, 2000, Florianopolis, Sc. Anais... Florianopolis: BNLP, 2000.