01566naa a2200241 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000200006024501380008026000090021830000150022752008040024265300190104665300210106565300090108665300200109565300190111570000220113470000170115670000140117370000170118777301200120410340482005-02-15 2001 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aKATSURAYAMA, Y. aEpidemiologia das doencas da macieira no subtropico e perspectivas de manejo integradobcaso da mancha da gala (Colletotrichum spp.). c2001 ap.125-139. aThe growers of the southern Brazil need to control the apple diseases common in the temperate regions, and others, typically to tropical and subtropical climates. It's the case of Bitter Rot and Gala Leaf Spot (GLS), later typical apple disease of the Brazil. The GLS, a typical Brazilian apple disease, was first reported in Parana State in 1983. Nowadays it's established inall apple production area of Brazil. This disease, caused by Colletotrychyn species, infects the Gala, one of the most important apple varieties in Brazil (about 15,000 hectares). This report presents the results of the studies on the etiology and the epidemiology of the GLS, during execution of the Jica Project that was started in 1996. and, are discussed some strategies to manage the apple diseases in southern Brazil. aColletotrichum aDoenca de planta aMaca aMalus domestica aMancha de gala1 aBONETI, J.I.da S.1 aBECKER, W.F.1 aOZAWA, T.1 aTSUCHIYA, S. tSEMINARIO SOBRE FRUTICULTURA DE CLIMA TEMPERADO, 1., 2001, Florianopolis, SC. Anais... Florianopolis: Epagri, 2001.