01404naa a2200193 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000170006024501290007726000090020652007660021565000210098165000150100265000210101765000240103870000160106270000220107877301100110011324802022-10-04 2022 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aCanale, M.C. aCost-benefit of seed treatment and applications for the management of foliar diseases in common bean.h[electronic resource] c2022 aThe fungal diseases anthracnosis and angular leaf spot are the main pathology constraints of common bean production in Santa Catarina state. These diseases can be transmitted via seeds and have the potential of cause total losses of a bean crop. The objective of this work was to provide practical information regarding seed treatment, sequence and number of foliar applications on SCS205 Riqueza common bean during the second season. We evaluated yield and economic return of the different proposals for a minimum necessary of chemical use in an integrated disease management for a better fit of cost-benefit. Herein we show that seed treatment and two fungicides applications as preventive control for diseases ensure yield and economic return for the grower. aChemical control afungicides agrowth regulator ainterval and timing1 aNESI, C. N.1 aKAVALCO, S. A. F. tIn: ENCONTRO SUL-BRASILEIRO DE FITOSSANIDADE, 1., 2022, Chapecó. Anais... Florianópolis : Epagri, 2022.