02502naa a2200205 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000170006024501140007726000090019152018270020065300150202765300220204265300200206470000150208470000200209970000190211970000170213877301410215511274992018-07-09 2018 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aRAMOS, J. C. aPATH COEFFICIENT ANALYSIS, A DIFFERENT APPROACH TO IDENTIFY SOIL QUALITY INDICATORS.h[electronic resource] c2018 aThe susceptibility to water erosion is inherent to soil quality. Soil quality indicators related to the reduction of water erosion can help in the decision of which management to adopt, however, the studies with this purpose are scarce. The aim of this research was to try identify soil quality indicators with a view to reducing water erosion, with the aid of path coefficient analysis. The research was carried out in the field between May 2011 and April 2013, in southern Brazil, on a Humic Dystrudept. In simulated rainfall conditions, the following treatments were studied: 1) no‐ tilled soil, cultivated and covered by residue of ryegrass (Loliummultiflorum) (HCR); 2) no‐tilled soil, cultivated and covered by residue of vetch (Vicia sativa) (HCV); 3) cultivated and scarified soil containing ryegrass roots (HRR); 4) cultivated and scarified soil containing vetch roots (HRV); 5) bare and chiseled soil(BHR). Eight simulated rainfalls events with controlled intensity (65 mm h‐1) for 90 minutes of duration were applied in each treatment. Were quantified the residue coverage, surface roughness, soil and water losses, flow velocity and soil physical attributes. By means of path coefficient analysis it was verified that the coverage and surface roughness, water infiltration rate and total organic C present a greater direct or indirect relation with soil and water losses and with the runoff velocity than the others soil variables. Those variables were indicative of soil quality as to its resistance to water erosion. In a rough soil, the total organic C, the root mass and the macroporosity of the soil are more important as indicators for soil resistance to water erosion, while in the presence of soil coverage by cultural residues these properties are less relevant for the same purpose. aNo tillage aSoil conservation asoil properties1 aBERTOL, I.1 aBANDEIRA, D. H.1 aBARBOSA, F. T.1 aZANGISKI, F. tIn: CONGRESO SOBRE USO Y MANEJO DEL SUELO, 8., 2018, Corunã, Espanha. Resumos... Coruña, Espanha: Universidade da Coruña, 2018. p. 93